Artboard 1

Prani, Bangalore Farms

Prani – The Pet Sanctuary is an one of its kind experiential education park. An initiative of Into the Wild, a Bangalore based start-up that focuses on outdoor experiential education.



“I am a homeschooling mom of a 6 year old, and I love this life. Everything about homeschooling excites me and I feel quite satisfied about the kind of package I could create for my child… everything except one thing. Field trips. I loved field trips as a child and wanted my daughter to experience the joys of a well structured field trip, but I didn’t know how to make it happen. Thankfully I was blessed by this awesome endeavour, Tripster buddies, where mom and kids could have fun and bond and also have some pretty amazing experiential learning.


We went to Prani this week. It was a two day one night stay. I was excited at the prospect of being with animals and was hopeful my child would learn something just hanging around with people who with animals. But boy was I surprised. Lakshana had grossly underpromised. What we experienced when we got there was a carefully crafted intricate balance of short, hands on workshops chockfull of learning, unsupervised free time with nature and animals, healthy food sans any junk, and an immersive experience in sustainable living. Kids got to learn nuggets and trivia about animals, learnt to coexist with animals keeping their and our needs in mind, went on night walks and saw wonderful things they would never forget. We did hikes I could never imagine myself or my kid doing. My daughter keeps talking about tegus, gerbils, hamsters, flying squirrels, emus. She creates pretend plays around spying spider eyes in the dark, looks in the roadside bushes for exoskeletons of spiders, corrects her friends when they confuse frogs with toads, and asks questions about rescue and rehabilitation of animals. All this in less than two days. And in all this, Lakshana still got time to make the kids create crafts about their learning. And the keepsakes we got courtesy tripster buddies hold a place of pride in not just our child’s room, but our entire home, reminding ourselves of this amazing trip.


Now, I can’t wait for the next trip. “



” This is regarding the Tripster buddies- Prani trip . Myself and my 5yrs old daughter from Coimbatore went for this trip, which was co-ordinated by Lakshana on Dec 10&11. This is our second trip with her. First trip was to Kaiwara & Murugumalla, last month.


This Prani trip, was as memorable and enjoyable like the first trip. But this time sharing our time with the kids, birds, animals together over there with the natural environment was worth every minute. I personally had a thought if the kids were alone on this trip staying at Prani, they would have not asked or thought about theirs mothers at all, because kids were so energetic and were deep into every moment there having a great time around. And we adults never had any second thoughts or felt anxious about anything at Prani when we were taken on a night walk into the Nature, climbing on the hills with kids, preparing food and feeding animals and birds, bird watching, the bumpy jeep ride, etc….


The Prani team people were totally with us throughout the entire time while we were there,  and that too by maintaining the whole positive environment, sharing their knowledge and experiences with us, interacting with our kids, telling us many wow factors about each and every animal and bird over there, letting us to touch, feel, and experience some of their pets.


The entire Prani team , be it the akkas who served us food were all so kind and  everyone made us feel so comfortable and relaxed. We could see a group of passionate people together living and working towards noble causes and inspiring us. There is still so much to learn from them and from the place!


The stay and the food they provided also was as good as the experience! As usual, there were only healthy food & snacks, fruits, and fresh juices during our trip which is a mindful rule which we always wanted to adhere to. And kids were as usual fine with that.


Kids were more responsible these 2 days, while spending time with the animals, faced and overcame their small fears with animals and dealt with it sensibly and safely handled  them as well. As adults, we were literally awestruck by seeing the kids climbing and getting down the rocky steep hill without any hurdles. And that’s when we adults faced and overcame our fears of heights on the hill


 Kids enjoyed doing the fun art activities organised by Lakshana, kids wearing the pet animal costumes and enjoying around were so adorable


 They also gave away the gratitude cards to the Prani team people and felt thankful to them, receiving badges from them as well made our kids  motivated.


We wanted to extend our stay to experience more of everything there. We thoroughly enjoyed the time of the entire  trip. Hoping to be a part of many future trips as well. And these all happened by the initiative step taken by Lakshana and I’m already so grateful to her for the previous trip, and still feel the same for this one as well. She is a person who can do even small things in a great way! The selfless devotion she has towards the kids and all of us is commendable. And my daughter can’t stop saying thanks to you who’s always ready for all your trips. Thank you for providing the  environment to shape our kids life in a happy way”

